The Theoretical Physics site didn't have enough activity during the beta. It has been closed, and its content has been merged into Physics. You can download the data dump of all questions here, or visit the Theoretical Physics chat.
7 Closed Questions (show all)
added by Dave Bacon Nov 14 '10 at 20:25
closed as off topic by Marcin Kotowski, Anthony Leverrier, Marek, rz_, Daniel Nov 14 '10 at 22:48 This question does not relate to the topic of the proposal.
added by Tsuyoshi Ito Nov 13 '10 at 21:46
closed as off topic by Matt Reece, Joe Fitzsimons, Marcin Kotowski, Wikis, Cedric H. Nov 14 '10 at 18:20 This question does not relate to the topic of the proposal.
added by Wikis Nov 14 '10 at 21:27
closed as off topic by Piotr Migdal, Jim Harrington, Georg Lind, Steve Flammia, Igor Ivanov Nov 15 '10 at 22:08 This question does not relate to the topic of the proposal.
added by Wikis Nov 13 '10 at 21:12
closed as off topic by Piotr Migdal, Joe Fitzsimons, Marcin Kotowski, Cedric H., Sarah Kavassalis Nov 14 '10 at 19:11 This question does not relate to the topic of the proposal.
added by Joe Fitzsimons Nov 13 '10 at 22:31
closed as off topic by Matt Reece, Tsuyoshi Ito, Marcin Kotowski, Cedric H., Sarah Kavassalis Nov 14 '10 at 19:10 This question does not relate to the topic of the proposal.
closed as off topic by Marcin Kotowski, Joe Fitzsimons, Sarah Kavassalis, rz_, Marek Nov 15 '10 at 1:45 This question does not relate to the topic of the proposal.
added by Wikis Nov 14 '10 at 21:28
closed as off topic by Sarah Kavassalis, sigoldberg1, Frédéric Grosshans, Piotr Migdal, Matt Reece Nov 21 '10 at 5:51 This question does not relate to the topic of the proposal.
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