The Arabic Language site didn't have enough activity during the beta and has been closed. You can download the data dump of all questions here.
closed after
days in beta
per day
- 150 users with 200+ rep (currently 15 users with 200+ rep)
- 10 users with 2,000+ rep (currently 1 user with 2,000+ rep)
- 5 users with 3,000+ rep (currently 1 user with 3,000+ rep)
who named "echidna" as النضناض in...
رأيت: من الافعال التي تاخذ...
مدخل إلى علوم اللغة العربية
ما هي الكلمة المناسبة لترجمة "map"؟
ما معنى مربرب ؟
هل توجد مترادف لكلمة شجرة؟
لم vs لن xx لن أفهمَ لو لم أسألُ
هل كلمة الله كانت موجودة قبل...
When to use لا vs كلّا vs بلى
Preposition fī in combination...
How is hamzat al-waṣl pronounced...
ما أصل كلمة الفانوس؟
كيف نفرق بين الفعل اللازم والفعل...
Which words can be either...
What are the "five nouns" الأسماء...
ما تشكيل عبارة ولا ينفع ذا الجد...
ما الفرق بين `ال` القمرية و `ال`...
This site has been
This proposal didn't have enough activity during the beta. It was closed 9 years ago.
You could try proposing a variation of this site that you think will have a better chance.
proposed by
11 years ago
edited by
public beta start
9 years ago
private beta start
9 years ago
commitment start
10 years ago
committed users
228 users committed
58.3% signed up for beta
1.8% fulfilled commitment
144 users followed
61.8% signed up for beta
users also committed to