Now majoring in math, linguistics, and Asian studies, with a concentration in Japanese, at University of Tennessee, with minors in English, German, history, and computer science.
I read a lot, and all over the place, content-wise. I also have a bad tendency to use German grammar in my English writing...which actually works pretty well for me.
It's not my fault I was only formally exposed to grammar when I started learning German.
Calculus is totally sexy, and I would probably marry Gottfried Leibnitz if he were still alive. And just to cement my awesome dorkiness to the world: I decided I wanted to study linguistics after I read The Lord of the Rings and found out Tolkien was a philologist. That was the only reason I ever went on a language kick. Before that I was an art/history nerd, with emphasis on the art. Who knows why?
Fate is inexorable.