People pay me danger money to fix their Perl-based systems. However, I'm not a one-trick pony like the rabid fans of certain languages, and I'm quite happy to admit that not only is Perl not perfect, but it can be is a right load of $@%*
at times. My current favourite second language is Scala, which I find pleasingly complementary to Perl. There are plenty of other languages and tools I use or have used, but I'm not going to play buzzword bingo by parroting my entire CV here.
You'll also see me wearing a sysadmin hat from time to time. It tends to go hand-in-hand with sprawling systems gaffer-taped together with Perl. I push them towards being gaffer-taped together with Puppet instead.
If you like my answers and wish to pay me danger money to fix your problems, I would be delighted to hear from you ;)