Area 51 » LudoMC
Aug 25 |
awarded | ● Upholder |
Jun 28 |
awarded | ● Nice Question |
Jun 2 |
comment |
Sports: Is cheerleading really a sport? @glowcoder So the question will be off-topic then as the definition will tell if an activity will be considered a sport or not on this site and these questions will then be useless! Now if cheerleading is a sport or not will be decided from the criteria given in the FAQ for example. |
Jun 2 |
comment |
Sports: Is cheerleading really a sport? @glowcoder I would agree but how to proceed then? How to edict these rules? Or should we start building a list of accepted sports (which could extend forever) or a list of activites not considered sport for the site? |
May 29 |
awarded | ● Nice Question |
Apr 21 |
awarded | ● Nice Question |
Apr 15 |
awarded | ● Commentator |
Apr 7 |
awarded | ● Nice Question |
Mar 18 |
awarded | ● Enthusiast |
Jan 31 |
comment |
Sports: Is cheerleading really a sport? Good question. If we let them on-topic, it could start argumentative wars for "Is Golf a sport? Is Poker a sport, Is Chess a sport". I would them put them off-topic. |
Jan 26 |
awarded | ● Radical |
Jan 25 |
comment |
Sports: I have issues with my cruciate ligaments on both knees. What sports should I practice to avoid injuries? Would medical advice be on- or off-topic? |
Jan 25 |
proposed question | Sports: I have issues with my cruciate ligaments on both knees. What sports should I practice to avoid injuries? |
Jan 25 |
awarded | ● Filibuster |
Jan 24 |
awarded | ● Editor |
Jan 24 |
comment |
Sports I totally agree with this broader proposal opposed to too specific ones. Tags will allow users to only follow the sports they want. And having a broader subject will drain more people, more questions and more answers. I don't get why we don't have more followers! :) |
Jan 24 |
awarded | ● Centrist |
Jan 22 |
comment |
Sports: Do you think professional sportmen earn too much money? The classical argumentative and not objective one :) |
Jan 22 |
proposed question | Sports: Do you think professional sportmen earn too much money? |
Jan 22 |
proposed question | Sports: Will [your preferred team] win the championship this year? |
Jan 22 |
proposed question | Sports: What is the common root to rugby and American football so they both have the same (uncommon) ball's shape? |
Jan 22 |
proposed question | Sports: How does the ATP (Tennis) ranking work? |
Jan 22 |
comment |
Sports: How do I become a referee/umpire/official in <sport name>? Wouldn't this be highly country specific with different leagues and so on? Or is it more on a kind of "career path" question? |
Jan 16 |
awarded | ● Advocate |
Dec 27 |
awarded | ● Pioneer |
Dec 27 |
awarded | ● Autobiographer |