Software Development Manager with twenty-year experience in scientific application development for the Oil and Gas industry. Leverages proven experience in leadership and software engineering to assist Royal Dutch Shell in delivering differentiating solutions to end-users.
Sees career as creating cosmos out of chaotic processes and interactions, which are inevitable components in a multicultural and intercontinental environment. As a leader, constantly seeks creative ways to foster a dynamic work environment through an ideal mix of people, processes and technology skills.
Prior to working at Royal Dutch Shell, and for fourteen years, heavily committed, as an undergraduate student, a software engineer, and finally a team leader, to the success of GOCAD, a 3D subsurface modeling application. Graduated in 1999 from Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine in Nancy, France with a PhD in Geosciences.
Specialties: Software Engineering, IT Governance, Scrum, Agile Methodologies, Stage Delivery, Software Development Life Cycle, SDLC, Object Oriented Programming