Programmer, Arqade Moderator and avid Gamer from Wollongong, Australia.
I'm a C# ASP .NET Developer with a history of anything but: iOS (Objective-C), Windows Forms, Android, SQL Server, Java, HTML5/JS, Salesforce, Sitecore, Dynamics CRM, Windows 8 Apps (C#/XAML), Xbox 360 Apps (C#/XAML) and everything in between. My current project & focus is Sitecore 8 development.
My friends and I have a gaming YouTube channel, check us out here: A Pinch of Salt. We play games, talk crap and get a little salty. I also have my personal channel, RobotnikPlays where I put my TF2 gameplay and occasionally some other random vids as well.
If you're a Pokemon player, then you should check out Pokétown on Facebook, a group that I help to administrate (as Admin Charmander). PokéTown is a Facebook group for Pokémon everything, Battles, Trades, Breeding, Discussions, Memes and more, so check it out!
I maintain a small blag, Egg Fortress, which I occasionally post to, if it's gaming-related I'll generally cross-post on Arqade as well. You can also find me on Steam, where I play TF2, Age of Mythology (and plenty of other games as well).
Thanks for reading!