Area 51 » Memor-X
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Shameless Promotion - Support Japanese Culture.SE by committing so we can get into Beta I'm an indie game developer and head of the Mema Hunters, currently i work in IT Development for another company (non games related) as a means to get paid and do my game development on the side. I'm also a huge Anime and Game Otaku with a paranoia which compels me to buy 2 of any figure or something i can duplicate easily and store 1 for stately in terms of genre's in anime and games i don't have too much of a preference just as long as it has a good store and good mechanics (games), ofcause this tends to make me lean towards RPG Games as i have a huge collection of them already. I am however a major lover of Shoujo Ai/Yuri like Maria Watches Over Us and Strawberry Panic! but i do have the will power to finish my current series when a new Shoujo Ai/Yuri arrived in the mail. Currently Watching
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