network profile

Registered User

name keshlam
member for 10 years
seen Nov 2 '14 at 14:43

"Keshlam" still seems to be nearly globally unique; websearch will probably tell you more about me than you want to know. (Known exception: I am not connected with themanaworld.org; they invented the name of the capital city of Tempus independently.)


I'm a long-time IBMer, having worked on the IBM and Apache XML/XPath/XSLT code and been involved in some of the W3C efforts (DOM Working group primarily but that interacted with some of the others). I've contributed at least one article to IBM's DeveloperWorks website. More recently I've been working on the back-end code of the WebSphere Application Server, mostly the Liberty profile.

Feel free to consider me biased in favor of IBM -- and even more biased in favor of industry standards, whenever possible -- but I make every attempt to be fair and honest.