Area 51 » dimk
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Just another technology enthusiast..!!! |
Area 51
Stack Exchange Network staging zone, where users come together to build new Q&A sites
Music Fans Stack Exchange
Q&A for music historians, critics, and fans
Code Review Stack Exchange
Q&A for peer programmer code reviews
Stack Overflow
Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
Server Fault
Q&A for system and network administrators
Super User
Q&A for computer enthusiasts and power users
Meta Stack Exchange
Q&A for meta-discussion of the Stack Exchange family of Q&A websites
Web Applications Stack Exchange
Q&A for power users of web applications
TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
Q&A for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems
English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Q&A for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts
User Experience Stack Exchange
Q&A for user experience researchers and experts
Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Q&A for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems
WordPress Development Stack Exchange
Q&A for WordPress developers and administrators
Software Engineering Stack Exchange
Q&A for professionals, academics, and students working within the systems development life cycle
Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
Q&A for electronics and electrical engineering professionals, students, and enthusiasts
Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange
Q&A for enthusiasts and power users of the Android operating system
Information Security Stack Exchange
Q&A for information security professionals
Video Production Stack Exchange
Q&A for engineers, producers, editors, and enthusiasts spanning the fields of video, and media creation
Graphic Design Stack Exchange
Q&A for Graphic Design professionals, students, and enthusiasts
Database Administrators Stack Exchange
Q&A for database professionals who wish to improve their database skills and learn from others in the community
Skeptics Stack Exchange
Q&A for scientific skepticism
Drupal Answers
Q&A for Drupal developers and administrators
Philosophy Stack Exchange
Q&A for those interested in the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence
Cryptography Stack Exchange
Q&A for software developers, mathematicians and others interested in cryptography
Computer Science Stack Exchange
Q&A for students, researchers and practitioners of computer science
Robotics Stack Exchange
Q&A for professional robotic engineers, hobbyists, researchers and students
English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Q&A for speakers of other languages learning English
Reverse Engineering Stack Exchange
Q&A for researchers and developers who explore the principles of a system through analysis of its structure, function, and operation
Network Engineering Stack Exchange
Q&A for network engineers
Open Data Stack Exchange
Q&A for developers and researchers interested in open data
Blender Stack Exchange
Q&A for people who use Blender to create 3D graphics, animations, or games
Tor Stack Exchange
Q&A for researchers, developers, and users of Tor
Pets Stack Exchange
Q&A for pet owners, caretakers, breeders, veterinarians, and trainers
Software Recommendations Stack Exchange
Q&A for people seeking specific software recommendations
Arduino Stack Exchange
Q&A for developers of open-source hardware and software that is compatible with Arduino
Joomla Stack Exchange
Q&A for Joomla! administrators, users, developers and designers
Data Science Stack Exchange
Q&A for Data science professionals, Machine Learning specialists, and those interested in learning more about the field
Economics Stack Exchange
Q&A for those who study, teach, research and apply economics and econometrics
Open Source Stack Exchange
Q&A for people organizing, marketing or licensing open source development projects
3D Printing Stack Exchange
Q&A for 3D printing enthusiasts
Ethereum Stack Exchange
Q&A for users of Ethereum, the decentralized application platform and smart contract enabled blockchain
Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange
Q&A for people interested in conceptual questions about life and challenges in a world where "cognitive" functions can be mimicked in purely digital environment