Area 51 » Barthelemy
Registered User
I am a team lead and devop for (Xprima Technologies). If you come to our office, you can see me playing with nerf guns, software architecture, puppet, django, and github code reviews ;-) I recently completed my Ph.D. on developer documentation at the School of Computer Science at McGill University in Montreal. Over the years, I have been involved in many interesting projects such as modifying the Eclipse Java compiler to process partial Java programs, making Python and Java play well together, architecting highly available and customizable platform for car dealer websites I try to contribute to the open source community by open sourcing and maintaining most of the technologies I create. When I'm not practicing White Crane Kung Fu in my very rare spare time, you can find me writing short novels or reading Pearls Before Swine. My first “Hello World” was written in Java in a command prompt on Windows 98. My programs now tend to be written in Python using vim on Ubuntu or MacOS. I hope that says a lot more about me than all of the above :-) |
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