Area 51 » Ali
May 29 |
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Japanese Language Yah we've been waiting 11 months for this! I've moved house and changed jobs since then! |
May 28 |
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Japanese Language @Daniel If you can find the answer in a dictionary or any beginners guide to Japanese culture, then the question is not 'expert'. |
May 28 |
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Japanese Language Party! So happy this is finally going into beta. |
May 15 |
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Japanese Language Yes please! Would be nice to get this through to beta now. |
Dec 9 |
awarded | ● Revolution |
Oct 27 |
awarded | ● Nice Question |
Oct 15 |
awarded | ● Lobbyist |
Sep 19 |
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Japanese Language woohoo, nerd gathering. |
Sep 15 |
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Japanese Language: I've got to 500 Kanji, what's the best way to keep motivated? ... But vote for it anyway! |
Sep 4 |
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Japanese Language: Are there any sites on the Internet that stream Japanese children's TV? I found, while learning other languages, this helped with comprehension. Up until now we haven't been on-topic voting resource questions, though I share your torn-ness. |
Sep 4 |
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Japanese Language: How to say “please ask me” ?
I am worried “聞いて下さい” sounds aggressive, like “listen to me!” How should I say? I like this question, as its about Japanese and indirectly addresses an ambiguity specific to the language (i.e. listen/ask are pronounced the same way). |
Sep 3 |
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Japanese Language: Is learning Japanese from/with your girlfriend/boyfriend a bad idea? (gendered language differences for heterosexual couples) This question would spark interesting, relevant debate. But it's not actually about Japanese (you could ask this question about any language), and is extremely subjective. |
Sep 3 |
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Japanese Language: How do you say “_______” in Japanese? How do you convey "[nuance-ridden expression in english that is potentially difficult to translate into Japanese while retaining its meaning]"? - would be on-topic IMO. |
Aug 30 |
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Japanese Language: What are those humming/haaaing sounds Japanese natives make when they're listening to another person speak? Sounds kinda like a motorbike when you string them together... フーーン, ヘーー, ハーー :P |
Aug 30 |
proposed question | Japanese Language: What are those humming/haaaing sounds Japanese natives make when they're listening to another person speak? |
Aug 30 |
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Japanese Language: How do numerical quantifiers change anaphoric/non-anaphoric noun-phrase delineations of “wa” vs “ga”? I'd be interested to know what this question means, it's a little beyond my technical grammar knowledge. |
Aug 30 |
proposed question | Japanese Language: What are the difference in nuance between 見る, 観る and 視る? |
Aug 28 |
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Japanese Language OK guys we've got all the followers we need! Lets take all the feedback we've got, re evaluate the questions we have and see if we can add some new on-topic questions to get this to commitment. I am pumped about this, and can't wait for the site to go live! |
Aug 18 |
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Japanese Language: Which japanese dialect is preferred/favored for a beginner? Yeah hmm. Interesting question, but I'm fairly sure for a beginner at least, the answer is going to be hyoujungo 100% of the time. |
Aug 18 |
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Japanese Language upvoted Night Rider @Daniel: I think the best way to think about it is we want questions here that would go on the FAQ page as an introduction to the site. |
Aug 17 |
awarded | ● Movement |
Aug 17 |
awarded | ● Nice Question |
Aug 5 |
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Martial Arts: How often should I train per week? This is not off topic, its a bad question. A better version of this might be "I want to get to [national|international|x-grade] level in [x-art] in [x-amount of time]. How often should I train per week?" |
Aug 5 |
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Martial Arts: How do I tie my belt (obi)? This question is way too vague. Are you talking about an obi in karate-do, Iaido, Kyudo? You could be talking about a dress kimono. |
Jul 28 |
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Japanese Language: I'm moving to Aomori, what are some common Aomori dialect colloquialisms? How does Aomori-ben differ from hyojungo? Good point, it does ask a lot. How would you improve the question? I would think shortening it to just "How does Aomori-ben differ from hyoujungo?" would meet the criteria you outline, though the answer would still be fairly involved. |
Jul 20 |
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Japanese Language: What similarities does Japanese have with other languages (specifically Altaic Languages)? This is a good question that I'd be interested in seeing the answer to. I'd vote this on-topic if I had any votes left. |
Jul 20 |
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Japanese Language: I've got to 500 Kanji, what's the best way to keep motivated? This isn't a good question but it's (very vaguely) on topic. Therefore it wouldn't make a good off-topic question. |
Jul 2 |
awarded | ● Filibuster |
Jul 1 |
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Japanese Language: What are the main differences between masculine and feminine Japanese? @Zak, you make a good point, those are some of the best questions on stack overflow! To answer your question, I'm not sure. I think that while the above question shouldn't be in the 'on topics' questions list when you read the sites FAQ, it (and questions like it) could end up on the site and make for very good reading. |
Jun 30 |
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Japanese Language: Where can I get Anime/Manga [x]? I'd be interested to know the reasoning as well. This seems like the kind of off topic question that would get asked. |