Area 51 » Benny Skogberg
Registered User
Been interested in computers since my first trial in Basic in 1987. Ever since then worked in computer related business, either as a super user, designer or a programmer. Main interest at the moment is SharePoint.SE and UserExperience.SE.
User Experience Stack Exchange
Q&A for user experience researchers and experts
SharePoint Stack Exchange♦
Q&A for SharePoint enthusiasts
Stack Overflow
Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
Meta Stack Exchange
Q&A for meta-discussion of the Stack Exchange family of Q&A websites
Psychology & Neuroscience Stack Exchange
Q&A for practitioners, researchers, and students in cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, and psychiatry
Software Engineering Stack Exchange
Q&A for professionals, academics, and students working within the systems development life cycle
Database Administrators Stack Exchange
Q&A for database professionals who wish to improve their database skills and learn from others in the community
Sitecore Stack Exchange
Q&A for developers and end users of the Sitecore CMS and multichannel marketing software
Area 51
Stack Exchange Network staging zone, where users come together to build new Q&A sites
Information Security Stack Exchange
Q&A for information security professionals
Law Stack Exchange
Q&A for legal professionals, students, and others with experience or interest in law